Table of Contents
Below you will find the links for COVID-related information that are affecting our children. Hopefully, the information will set you free from all the fearmongering and propaganda.
24,000 students in Australia are having to get injected with the Chinese Virus. To make it as easy as possible the government rented out an entire sports stadium. However, no parents or adults of any kind will be allowed inside the Qudos Bank Arena or anywhere in Sydney Olympic Park while their children are getting injected.
Offering Innocent Children to the ‘gods’ of Big Pharma
The satanic powers that be are in a push to get the children vaccinated. This push is nothing more than to get unsuspecting parents, grandparents, and other caregivers into offering innocent children to the ‘gods’ of Big Pharma and the Global Reset agenda.
Protect the Children from the Insanity
I want to share a few articles of truth regarding the assault of the satanic cabal to kill our children. I know it sounds like a psycho horror movie but unfortunately, this is a true statement. I implore you to use wisdom and the sword of the Word of God to protect the children from the insanity that has been released in the past 18 plus months.