7 R’s Devo Journey – Step 2

Step 2 – 2nd R = Research 

Isaiah 43:1-3

The daily flow:
1. Prayer
2. Read through the devotional verse/s out loud.
3. Review your previous notes, and jot down any new thoughts or ideas.
4. Assignment for today

In today’s assignment you will Research for 2-3 supporting Gemstone verses for EACH Sparkle word you highlighted in Step 1.

I like to think of this part of the devotional as an archeological dig through Gods Journal for more precious gems.

I use Bible Gateway or the BlueLetterBible.org online bibles for my searches. You may find them handy also.

  • Once you have chosen your supporting verses be sure to Read the verses out loud and write them on a separate journal page or you may download the free PDF journal sheets here.
  • The full PDF Instructions are available for download here.
  • Once again Read your main Gemstone verses and Read your supporting Gemstone verses.

As you Read the verses listen to what is the King of kings and Lord of lords is whispering in your ear.

He is always speaking to us. Sometimes we cannot hear our Lords whisper due to all the chaos and noise that surrounds us. This is why it is important to take time to just be quiet before the Lord.

I love to listen to quiet worship music such as DappyTKeys Piano Worship in the background when I’m spending time with my Lord.
As a matter of fact, as I type this, I am listening to this spirit filled music in the background.

Remember to jot down what you percieve the Lord is saying to you.

7 Rs

Photo by Ben White via Unsplash

Thank You, Abba for each sister who seeks to grow closer to your heart. Guide them, protect them, and bless them and their families. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen!

Scriptures used are from biblegateway.com and unless otherwise noted, I’m using the New Living Translation (NLT)Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

More Encouragement at: 88 Conditional “I Am” Truths

Your respectful thoughts and opinions are welcomed.