7 R’s Devo Journey – Step 4

Step 4 – 4th R = Reaffirm   

Isaiah 43:1-3

The daily flow:
1. Pray
2. Read through the devotional verse/s out loud.
3. Review your previous notes, and jot down any new thoughts or ideas.
4. Assignment for today

In todays 7 R’s Devo Journey – Step 4 we will review and Reaffirm the truths we have discovered in the Gemstone and Sparkle verses and list as many declarations as possible.

These will become your personal statements of faith based on God’s personal word to you.

Don’t forget if needed, you may: 

7 R’s Devo Journey – Step 4 – EXAMPLE

Here is my list of declarations based on Isaiah 43:1 and my Sparkle verses. I have included the Gemstone references where I found my truthful declarations.

1. I am created and formed by God in His image. – Is 43:1; Gen 1:27
2. I do not have to be afraid. – Is 43:1
3. God has ransomed me. – Is 43:1
4. God has called me by name. – Is 43:1
5. I belong to God. – Is 43:1
6. God personally breathed His breath into me. – Gen 1:27
7. God has good plans for me. – Jer 29:11
8. I have hope and a future. – Jer 29:11
9. God loved me so much that He sacrificed His Son in my place. – Jn 3:16

If the Lord brings other Gemstone scriptures to mind as you are listing your declarations of truth, by all means add them to your list.

I called this a weekly devotional, however, I understand this is new for most of you and may possibly take a bit longer. That’s not a problem as long as you spend some time each day with the Lord. This is not a race. You can’t rush intimate moments, you want to savor them. Right?

Do you have any tidbits of encouragement from the work so far that you can share? Be sure to leave your encouragement below in the comment section!

Thank You, Abba for each sister who seeks to grow closer to your heart.  In Jesus Name I pray, Amen!

Scriptures used are from biblegateway.com and unless otherwise noted, I’m using the New Living Translation (NLT)Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.


Your respectful thoughts and opinions are welcomed.