Parable of the Wheat and Tares – Part 1

The following post “Parable of the Wheat and Tares” is by Pastor Harry Meyer. Harry and his wife Jan are awesome friends of mine.

Harry Meyer is the Associate Pastor at Grace Fellowship in Radcliff, Kentucky.  He is a graduate of Campbellsville University and holds degrees in Business Management/Administration and Biblical Studies.  He has been married for 38 years to his wife Jan and they have two sons.  He is a veteran of the U.S. Navy and U.S. Army having served honorably in both branches.  He came to know Jesus Christ as Savior and LORD at the age of 37.

I am excited to share with you the teachings that the Lord has impressed upon Pastor Harry Meyer to share. Today Pastor Harry sets the stage for us.

Please welcome and encourage Pastor Harry in the comment section below. Likewise, be sure to post any questions or respectful comments you may have.

Setting the Stage

Matthew Chapter 13 contains seven parables in which Jesus gave His disciples and future generations of believers insights into “what the kingdom of heaven may be compared to.”  These parables are:

  1. The Sower and the Seed         
  2. Wheat and Tares                       
  3. Mustard Seed                             
  4. Leaven
  5. Hidden Treasure
  6. Pearl of Great Price
  7. The Dragnet

A Twofold Purpose

Throughout the seven parables, Jesus uses everyday commonplace examples as a comparison of what the kingdom of heaven is like.  Jesus’ use of parables accomplished a twofold purpose:

  1. Reveal GOD’s truths regarding the kingdom of heaven hitherto kept secret, but now revealed to those to whom it has been given to know (Matthew 13:11-12a; 16-17; 36-43; 51-52; Mark 4:11a).
  2. Conceal GOD’s truth regarding the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven from those to whom it has not been given. Those who willingly choose to walk in darkness rather than light. (Matthew 13:11; 12b-15; 34-35; Mark 4:11b; John 3:19-21; 8:12).

Pertaining to “the ones who love darkness rather than the true Light” which is Christ[1] the prophecy that was spoken by the prophet Isaiah, is being fulfilled:

“Keep on hearing but do not understand; keep on seeing, but do not perceive.  Make the heart of this people dull and their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and return and be healed”

Isaiah 6:9-10 [2]

The True Source

Therefore, if they would only listen attentively to Jesus’ words, then they would understand their need to do t’shuvah ― i.e. return to GOD; that is repent of their sins so GOD would heal them. More importantly, they would have knowledge of the true source of salvation, Jesus Christ.  

Jesus ended His explanation of Isaiah’s prophecy to His disciples by stating:

Lest they should understand with their hearts and turn so that I should heal them

Matthew 13:15

Likewise, the same reference is made by Christ in John 12:39-40 when referring to the people’s spiritual blindness as to His true identity.

Moreover, in Acts 28:25-29 Paul uses the same reference after meeting with the leaders of Rome’s Jewish community who left arguing among themselves regarding the same message and the true source of salvation.

Jesus Christ – Heaven’s True Propitiation

The message is Jesus Christ is Heaven’s true propitiation. Moreover, that is the only atoning sacrifice an acceptable offering for our sins that fulfill GOD’s righteous judgment for sin, while simultaneously appeasing GOD’s wrath (1 John 4:10). 

Jesus told the disciples:

I AM the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me

John 14:6

Confronted With Living Proof

Even when confronted with living proof that Jesus is the promised Messiah there are those who listen selectively and perceive amiss; choosing to remain in darkness rather than come to the Light.[4] 

Moreover, such individuals love the passing pleasures of their sinful practices and hate the light since it exposes their true character.[5]  Of such stock are the tares in Jesus’ parable. They are cracked cisterns that can hold no water.[6] 

Join me for Part II as we look into the parable and uncover who are the wheat and tares.

  • [1] John 3:19-21; 8:12 and 1 John 4:4-6
  • [2] The same phenomenon is spoken of by the prophets Jeremiah (5:21) and Ezekiel (12:2).
  • [4] John 3:19-20; 12:37-46
  • [5] Hebrews 11:23-27
  • [6] Jeremiah 2:13

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Maranatha! Until next time, I am Passionately Loving Jesus, the Anchor of my Soul.

2.17 min clip – Pastor Harry Meyer
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