This list will introduce to you the many names of Jesus based on scripture references in the Bible. In the table you will find His titles/names/attributes, followed by the Hebrew name including phonetic pronunciation and finally scripture references.
English | Hebrew | Pronounced | As In the Following: |
Advocate; Intercessor | Malakh Melitz | (mal-ahkh me-LEETS) | 1 Jn 2:1; Job 33:23 |
All in All | Kol Bakol | (kohl ba-KOHL) | Eph 1:23 |
Alpha and Omega | Aleph v'Tav | (ah-lef ve-TAHV) | Rev 1:8, 11; 21:6; 22:13 |
Beginning and Ending | Rosh vaSof | (rosh ve-SOHF) | Rev 1:8 |
Beloved One | Yadid | (yah-DEED) | Matt 12:18 |
Branch of Righteousness | Tsemach Tsedakah | (TSE-makh tse-dah-KAH) | Jer 33:15; Isa 4:2 |
Bread of God | Lechem Elohim | (LE-khem e-lo-HEEM) | Jn 6:33 |
Bread of Heaven | Lechem Shamayim | (LE-khem sha-MAI-yeem) | Jn 6:32 |
Bridegroom | Chatan | (khah-TAHN) | Jn 3:29 |
Chief Stone; Cornerstone | Rosh Pinah | (rosh peen-NAH) | Mk 12:10; Psa 118:22 |
Christ [in Koine Greek]; The Annointed. The Messiah | HaMashiach | (ham-mah-SHEE-akh) | Jn 1:41 Occurs over 500 times in the NT |
Dayspring from on High | Or-Boker Mimarom | (ohr-BOH-ker meeem-mah-ROHM) | Lk 1:78 |
Deliverer | HaPalat | (hap-pa h-LAT) | Rom 11:26; Psa 18:2, 2 Sam 22:2 |
Faithful and True One | Ne'eman V'Yashar | (ne-e-mahn ve-ya h-SHAR) | Rev 19:11 |
Faithful Witness | Ha'ed Ha-Ne'eman | (ha-ed han-ne-e-MAHN) | Rev 1:5 |
God | HaElohim | (ha-e-lo-HEEM) | Jn 1:1; entire book of Hebrews |
God Blessed Forever | Ha-Elohim Hamvorakh L'Olam Va'ed | (ha-e-lo-HEEM ham-voh-RAKH le-o-LAHM va-ED) | Rm 9:5 |
God the Only Begotten Son, The Only Begotten God | Elohim ben Yachid | (e-loh-HEEM ben ya-KHEED) | Jn 1:18 |
God with Us | Immanuel | (eem-mah-noo-EL) | Matt1:23; Isa 7:14 |
Good Shepherd | HaRo'eh HaTov | (ha-roh-EH hat-TOHV) | Jn 10:11, 14; Heb 13:20 |
Great High Priest | HaKohen HaGadol | (ha-ko-HEIN hag-g ah-DOHL) | Hebrews, entire book |
Head of all things | Rosh l'khol-ha'edah | (rosh le-KHOL ha-ei -DAH) | Eph 1:22 |
Head of the Church/Chief Shepherd | Rosh Ha'edah | (rosh ha-ei-DA H) | 1 Pet 5:4; Col 1:18 |
Heir of all things | Nachalah Vakol | (na-kha-LAH va -KOHL) | Heb 1:2 |
Holy One | Kadosh | (kah-DOSH) | Acts 3:14; cp Isa 40:25 |
Holy Servant | Eved HaKadosh | (E-ved ha-kah-DOHSH) | Acts 4:27 |
Horn of Salvation | Keren Yeshuah | (KE-ren ye-shoo-AH) | Lk 1:69; 1 Sam 2:10 |
I AM THAT I AM | Ehyeh asher Ehyeh | (eh-YEH a-shereh-YEH) | Jn 8:58; Exodus 3:14 |
Image of God | Tselem Elohim | (TSE-lem e-lo-HEEM) | Col 1:15 |
Jesus | Yeshua | (ye-SHOO-a) The Name "Jesus" appears 973 times in the NT (Brit Chadashah) | |
Jesus of Nazareth | Yeshua haNotzri | (ye-SHOO-a han-NOHTS-ree) | Matt 26:71; Mk 1:24; Lk 4:34; Jn 1:45; Acts 2:22 |
Jesus son of Joseph | Yeshua ben-Yosef | (ye-SHOO-a ben-yo-SEIF) | Jn 1:45 |
Jesus the Messiah | HaMashiach Yeshua | (ham-mah-SHEE-akh ye-SHOO-ah) | Matt 1:1, 18; Mk 1:1; Jn 1:17; 17:3; Acts 2:38; Rom 1:1, 3, 6 |
Jesus the Nazarene | Yeshua Minetzeret | (ye-SHOO-a meen-ne-TSE-ret) | Matt 21:11 |
Judge of the Living and the Dead | Shofet haChayim v'hametim | (SHO-fet ha-KHAI-yeem ve-ham-me-TEEM) | Acts 10:42, cp Psa 50:6, 75:7 |
King of Israel | Melekh Yisrael | (ME-lekh yees-rah-EL) | Mk 15:32 |
King of the Jews | Melekh HaiYehudim | (ME-lekh ha-ye-hoo-DEEM) | Matt 2:2; 27:11, 29, 37; Mk 15:2, Lk 23:3, 37; Jn 18:33 |
Lamb of God | Seh HaElohim | (seh ha-e-lo-HEEM) | Jn 1:29, 36; Rev 5:12 |
Last Adam | HaAdam Ha'acharon | (ha-ah-DAHM ha-a-cha-ROHN) | 1 Cor 15:45 |
Light of the World | Or Ha'Olam | (ohr ha-oh-LAHM) | Jn 8:12; Psa 27:1 |
Lion of Judah | Ha-Aryei Mishevet Yehudah | (ha-ar-YEI meesh-SHE-vet ye-HOO-dah) | Rev 5:5; Gen 49:9 |
LORD of Glory | Adon HaKavod | (a-dohn hak-kah-VOHD) | 1 Cor 2:8; Psa 24:8; Isa 40:5 |
Man of Sorrows | Ish Makhovot | (eesh makh-oh-VOHT) | Isa 53:3 |
Messiah of God | Mashiach HaElohim | (mah-SHEE-ach ha-e-lo-HEEM) | Lk 9:20 |
Morning Star | Kokhav Hashachar | (ko-KHAV ha-she-KHAR) | Rev 22:16; Rev 2:28 |
My Beloved Son | Beni Yedidi | (be-nee ye-dee-DEE) | Matt 3:17; 17:5; Mk 1:11; 9:7; Lk 3:22; 1 Co 4:17; 2 Tim 1:2; 2 Pet 1:17 |
Mystery of God | Sod HaElohim | (sohd ha-e-lo-HEEM) | Col 2:2 |
Nazarene | Notzri | (nots-REE) | Matt 2:23; Lk 18:37; Jn 19:19; Acts 6:14 |
of the Earth | le-mal-khay-AH-rets) | ||
Power of God | Gevurat Elohim | (ge-voo-RAT e-lo-HEEM) | 1 Cor 1:24 |
Prince | Sar | (sar) | Acts 5:31 |
Prince of Life | Sar haChayim | (sar ha-KHAI-yeem) | Acts 3:15 |
Prince of the Kings | Elyon leMalkhei-Aretz | (el-YOHN | Rev 1:5 |
Prophet | HaNavi | (han-nah-VEE) | Jn 1:25, 6:14; Matt 13:57, Deut 18:15 |
Redeemer | HaGo'el | (ha-go-EL) | Jn 4:42; Isa 49:7 |
Rejected Stone | Even Ma'asu | (E-ven mah-a-SOO) | Mk 12:10; Psa 118:22 |
Resurrection and Life | Hatekumah v'haChayim | (ha-te-koo-mah ve-ha-KHAI-yeem) | Jn 11:25 |
Root of David | Shoresh David | (SHO-resh dah-VEED) | Rev 5:5; 22:16 |
Ruler; Governor | Moshel | (moh-SHEL) | Matt 2:6 |
Savior of all Men | HaMoshia l'chol Adam | (ham-moh-SHEE-a le-khol-a-DAHM) | 1 Tim 4:10; Isa 45:15, Jer 14:8 |
Savior of the World | Moshia HaOlam | (moh-SHEE-ah ha-oh-LAHM) | Jn 4:42; Phil 3:20; 1 Tim 4:10; Isa 45:15, Jer 14:8 |
Seed of Abraham | Zera' Avraham | (ze-RA; av-rah-HAHM) | Gal 3:16 |
Shepherd | HaRo'eh | (ha-roh-EH) | Jn 10:11; 1 Peter 5:4; Zech 13:7 |
Son of Abraham | Ben Avraham | (ben av-rah-HAHM) | Matt 1:1; Lk 3:34; 19:9 |
Son of David | Ben David | (ben dah-VEED) | Matt 1:1, Mk 10:47; Lk 3:31 |
Son of God | Ben Ha-Elohim | (ben ha-e-lo-HEEM) | Dan 3:25; Matt 4:3, 6;, Rom 1:4; 2 Co 1:19; Gal 2:20; Eph 4:13; Heb 4:14; 6:6; 1 Jn 1:1; Rev 2:18 etc . |
Son of Man | Ben Ha'adam | (ben ha-a-dam ) | Matt 8:20; 9:6; 26:2; Mk 2:10, Lk 5:24; 6:5; 24:7; Jn 1:51; 3:13f; Acts 7:56; Heb 2:6; Rev 1:13; 14:14; etc. |
Son of the Father | Ben Ha'Av | (ben ha-AHV) | 2 Jn 1:3 |
Son of the Highest | Ben Elyon | (ben el-YOHN) | Lk 1:32 |
Son of the Living God | Ben Elohim Chayim | (ben e-lo-heem KHAI-yeem) | Matt 16:16; Jn 6:69 |
Teacher; My Great Master | Rabbi | (rab-BEE) | Matt 23:8 |
The Amen | Ha-Amen | (ha-ah-MEIN) | Rev 3:14 |
The Coming One | Hu Haba' | (hoo ha-BAH) | Lk 7:19 |
The Deliverer | HaPalat | (hap-pa h-LAT) | Rom 11:26; Psa 18:2, 2 Sam 22:2 |
The First and the Last | HaRishon v'Ha'acharon | (ha-ree-SHOHN ve-ha- a-kha-ROHN) | Rev 1:11, 17; 2:8; 22:13 |
The Firstborn | Habekhor | (hab-be-KHOR) | Col 1:15; Heb 1:6 |
The Firstborn of the Dead | Habekhor hakam min-hametim | (hab-be-KHOR hak-kahm meen-ham-me-TEEM) | Rev 1:5 |
The Gate; The Door | HaSha'ar | (hash-sha-AR) | Jn 10:9 |
The Great High Priest | HaKohen HaGadol | (ha-ko-HEIN hag-g ah-DOHL) | Hebrews, the entire book |
The Holy One of God | Kedosh Ha-Elohim | (ke-DOSH ha-e-lo-HEEM) | Lk 4:34 |
The Last Adam | HaAdam Ha-acharon | (ha-ah-DAHM ha-a-cha-ROHN) | 1 Cor 15:45 |
The Life | HaChayim | (ha-KHAI-yeem) | Jn 14:6 |
The Living One | HeChai | (he-KHAI) | Lk 24:5 |
The LORD | Ha'Adon | (ha-ah-DOHN) | Rom 10:9 |
The LORD of Glory | Adon HaKavod | (a-dohn hak-kah-VOHD) | 1 Cor 2:8; Psa 24:8; |
The Prophet | HaNavi | (han-na h-VEE) | Jn 1:25, 6:14; Matt 13:57, |
The Righteous One | Tsaddik | (za-DEEK) | Acts 3:14; cp Zeph 3:5 |
The True Vine | HaGefen Emet | (hag-GE-fen E-met) | Jn 15:1 |
The Truth | HaEmet | (ha-E-met) | Jn 14:6 |
The Way | HaDerech | (had-DE-rekh) | Jn 14:6 |
The Word | HaDavar | (had-dah -VAHR) | Jn 1:1 |
The Word of God | HaDavar Elohim | (had-dah-VAHR e-lo-HEEM) | Jn 1:1, 14; Gen 1:1 |
True and Righteous Witness | Ed HaEmet v'haTzedek | (ed ha-E-met ve-hatz-T ZE-dek) | Rev 3:14 |
Watcher of our Souls | Hamashgiach Nafshoteikhem | (ham-mash-GEE-akh naf-sho -TAY-khem) | 1 Peter 2:25; Song 2:9 |
Wisdom of God | Chokhmat Elohim | (khokh-mat e-lo-HEEM) | 1 Cor 1:24 |
Word of God | Devar HaElohim | (de-var ha-e-lo-HEEM) | Rev 19:13; Jn 1:1 |
Word of Life | Devar HaChayim | (de-var ha-KHAI-yeem) | 1 Jn 1:1 |
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