
Names of Jesus, English and Hebrew

This list will introduce to you the many names of Jesus based on scripture references in the Bible. In the table you will find His titles/names/attributes, followed by the Hebrew name including phonetic pronunciation and finally scripture references.
EnglishHebrewPronouncedAs In the Following:
Advocate; Intercessor Malakh Melitz (mal-ahkh me-LEETS)1 Jn 2:1; Job 33:23
All in AllKol Bakol (kohl ba-KOHL)Eph 1:23
Alpha and OmegaAleph v'Tav (ah-lef ve-TAHV)Rev 1:8, 11; 21:6; 22:13
Beginning and EndingRosh vaSof (rosh ve-SOHF)Rev 1:8
Beloved OneYadid (yah-DEED)Matt 12:18
Branch of RighteousnessTsemach Tsedakah (TSE-makh tse-dah-KAH)Jer 33:15; Isa 4:2
Bread of GodLechem Elohim (LE-khem e-lo-HEEM)Jn 6:33
Bread of HeavenLechem Shamayim (LE-khem sha-MAI-yeem)Jn 6:32
BridegroomChatan (khah-TAHN)Jn 3:29
Chief Stone; CornerstoneRosh Pinah (rosh peen-NAH)Mk 12:10; Psa 118:22
Christ [in Koine Greek];
The Annointed.
The Messiah
HaMashiach (ham-mah-SHEE-akh)Jn 1:41
Occurs over 500 times in the NT
Dayspring from on HighOr-Boker Mimarom (ohr-BOH-ker meeem-mah-ROHM)Lk 1:78
DelivererHaPalat (hap-pa h-LAT)Rom 11:26; Psa 18:2, 2 Sam 22:2
Faithful and True OneNe'eman V'Yashar (ne-e-mahn ve-ya h-SHAR)Rev 19:11
Faithful WitnessHa'ed Ha-Ne'eman (ha-ed han-ne-e-MAHN)Rev 1:5
GodHaElohim (ha-e-lo-HEEM)Jn 1:1; entire book of Hebrews
God Blessed ForeverHa-Elohim Hamvorakh L'Olam Va'ed (ha-e-lo-HEEM ham-voh-RAKH le-o-LAHM va-ED)Rm 9:5
God the Only Begotten Son, The Only Begotten GodElohim ben Yachid (e-loh-HEEM ben ya-KHEED)Jn 1:18
God with UsImmanuel (eem-mah-noo-EL)Matt1:23; Isa 7:14
Good ShepherdHaRo'eh HaTov (ha-roh-EH hat-TOHV)Jn 10:11, 14; Heb 13:20
Great High PriestHaKohen HaGadol (ha-ko-HEIN hag-g ah-DOHL)Hebrews, entire book
Head of all thingsRosh l'khol-ha'edah (rosh le-KHOL ha-ei -DAH)Eph 1:22
Head of the Church/Chief Shepherd Rosh Ha'edah (rosh ha-ei-DA H)1 Pet 5:4; Col 1:18
Heir of all thingsNachalah Vakol (na-kha-LAH va -KOHL)Heb 1:2
Holy OneKadosh (kah-DOSH)Acts 3:14; cp Isa 40:25
Holy ServantEved HaKadosh (E-ved ha-kah-DOHSH)Acts 4:27
Horn of SalvationKeren Yeshuah (KE-ren ye-shoo-AH)Lk 1:69; 1 Sam 2:10
I AM THAT I AMEhyeh asher Ehyeh (eh-YEH a-shereh-YEH)Jn 8:58; Exodus 3:14
Image of GodTselem Elohim (TSE-lem e-lo-HEEM)Col 1:15
JesusYeshua(ye-SHOO-a) The Name "Jesus" appears 973 times in the NT (Brit Chadashah)
Jesus of NazarethYeshua haNotzri (ye-SHOO-a han-NOHTS-ree)Matt 26:71; Mk 1:24; Lk 4:34; Jn 1:45; Acts 2:22
Jesus son of Joseph Yeshua ben-Yosef (ye-SHOO-a ben-yo-SEIF)Jn 1:45
Jesus the MessiahHaMashiach Yeshua(ham-mah-SHEE-akh ye-SHOO-ah)Matt 1:1, 18; Mk 1:1; Jn 1:17; 17:3; Acts 2:38; Rom 1:1, 3, 6
Jesus the NazareneYeshua Minetzeret (ye-SHOO-a meen-ne-TSE-ret)Matt 21:11
Judge of the Living and the DeadShofet haChayim v'hametim (SHO-fet ha-KHAI-yeem ve-ham-me-TEEM)Acts 10:42, cp Psa 50:6, 75:7
King of IsraelMelekh Yisrael (ME-lekh yees-rah-EL)Mk 15:32
King of the JewsMelekh HaiYehudim (ME-lekh ha-ye-hoo-DEEM)Matt 2:2; 27:11, 29, 37; Mk 15:2, Lk 23:3, 37; Jn 18:33
Lamb of GodSeh HaElohim (seh ha-e-lo-HEEM)Jn 1:29, 36; Rev 5:12
Last AdamHaAdam Ha'acharon (ha-ah-DAHM ha-a-cha-ROHN)1 Cor 15:45
Light of the WorldOr Ha'Olam (ohr ha-oh-LAHM)Jn 8:12; Psa 27:1
Lion of JudahHa-Aryei Mishevet Yehudah (ha-ar-YEI meesh-SHE-vet ye-HOO-dah)Rev 5:5; Gen 49:9
LORD of GloryAdon HaKavod (a-dohn hak-kah-VOHD)1 Cor 2:8; Psa 24:8; Isa 40:5
Man of SorrowsIsh Makhovot (eesh makh-oh-VOHT)Isa 53:3
Messiah of GodMashiach HaElohim (mah-SHEE-ach ha-e-lo-HEEM)Lk 9:20
Morning StarKokhav Hashachar (ko-KHAV ha-she-KHAR)Rev 22:16; Rev 2:28
My Beloved SonBeni Yedidi (be-nee ye-dee-DEE)Matt 3:17; 17:5; Mk 1:11; 9:7; Lk 3:22; 1 Co 4:17; 2 Tim 1:2; 2 Pet 1:17
Mystery of GodSod HaElohim (sohd ha-e-lo-HEEM)Col 2:2
NazareneNotzri (nots-REE)Matt 2:23; Lk 18:37; Jn 19:19; Acts 6:14
of the Earthle-mal-khay-AH-rets)
Power of GodGevurat Elohim (ge-voo-RAT e-lo-HEEM)1 Cor 1:24
PrinceSar (sar)Acts 5:31
Prince of LifeSar haChayim (sar ha-KHAI-yeem)Acts 3:15
Prince of the Kings Elyon leMalkhei-Aretz (el-YOHN Rev 1:5
ProphetHaNavi(han-nah-VEE)Jn 1:25, 6:14; Matt 13:57, Deut 18:15
RedeemerHaGo'el(ha-go-EL)Jn 4:42; Isa 49:7
Rejected StoneEven Ma'asu (E-ven mah-a-SOO)Mk 12:10; Psa 118:22
Resurrection and LifeHatekumah v'haChayim(ha-te-koo-mah ve-ha-KHAI-yeem)Jn 11:25
Root of DavidShoresh David (SHO-resh dah-VEED)Rev 5:5; 22:16
Ruler; Governor Moshel (moh-SHEL)Matt 2:6
Savior of all MenHaMoshia l'chol Adam(ham-moh-SHEE-a le-khol-a-DAHM)1 Tim 4:10; Isa 45:15, Jer 14:8
Savior of the WorldMoshia HaOlam (moh-SHEE-ah ha-oh-LAHM)Jn 4:42; Phil 3:20; 1 Tim 4:10; Isa 45:15, Jer 14:8
Seed of AbrahamZera' Avraham (ze-RA; av-rah-HAHM)Gal 3:16
ShepherdHaRo'eh (ha-roh-EH)Jn 10:11; 1 Peter 5:4; Zech 13:7
Son of AbrahamBen Avraham (ben av-rah-HAHM)Matt 1:1; Lk 3:34; 19:9
Son of DavidBen David (ben dah-VEED)Matt 1:1, Mk 10:47; Lk 3:31
Son of GodBen Ha-Elohim (ben ha-e-lo-HEEM)Dan 3:25; Matt 4:3, 6;, Rom 1:4; 2 Co 1:19; Gal 2:20; Eph 4:13; Heb 4:14; 6:6; 1 Jn 1:1; Rev 2:18 etc .
Son of ManBen Ha'adam (ben ha-a-dam )Matt 8:20; 9:6; 26:2; Mk 2:10, Lk 5:24; 6:5; 24:7; Jn 1:51; 3:13f; Acts 7:56; Heb 2:6; Rev 1:13; 14:14; etc.
Son of the FatherBen Ha'Av (ben ha-AHV)2 Jn 1:3
Son of the HighestBen Elyon (ben el-YOHN)Lk 1:32
Son of the Living GodBen Elohim Chayim (ben e-lo-heem KHAI-yeem)Matt 16:16; Jn 6:69
Teacher; My Great MasterRabbi (rab-BEE)Matt 23:8
The AmenHa-Amen (ha-ah-MEIN)Rev 3:14
The Coming OneHu Haba' (hoo ha-BAH)Lk 7:19
The DelivererHaPalat (hap-pa h-LAT)Rom 11:26; Psa 18:2, 2 Sam 22:2
The First and the Last HaRishon v'Ha'acharon (ha-ree-SHOHN ve-ha- a-kha-ROHN)Rev 1:11, 17; 2:8; 22:13
The FirstbornHabekhor (hab-be-KHOR)Col 1:15; Heb 1:6
The Firstborn of the DeadHabekhor hakam min-hametim (hab-be-KHOR hak-kahm meen-ham-me-TEEM)Rev 1:5
The Gate; The Door HaSha'ar (hash-sha-AR)Jn 10:9
The Great High Priest HaKohen HaGadol (ha-ko-HEIN hag-g ah-DOHL) Hebrews, the entire book
The Holy One of GodKedosh Ha-Elohim (ke-DOSH ha-e-lo-HEEM)Lk 4:34
The Last AdamHaAdam Ha-acharon (ha-ah-DAHM ha-a-cha-ROHN)1 Cor 15:45
The LifeHaChayim (ha-KHAI-yeem)Jn 14:6
The Living OneHeChai (he-KHAI)Lk 24:5
The LORDHa'Adon (ha-ah-DOHN)Rom 10:9
The LORD of GloryAdon HaKavod (a-dohn hak-kah-VOHD)1 Cor 2:8; Psa 24:8;
The ProphetHaNavi (han-na h-VEE)Jn 1:25, 6:14; Matt 13:57,
The Righteous OneTsaddik (za-DEEK)Acts 3:14; cp Zeph 3:5
The True VineHaGefen Emet (hag-GE-fen E-met)Jn 15:1
The TruthHaEmet (ha-E-met)Jn 14:6
The WayHaDerech (had-DE-rekh)Jn 14:6
The WordHaDavar (had-dah -VAHR)Jn 1:1
The Word of GodHaDavar Elohim (had-dah-VAHR e-lo-HEEM)Jn 1:1, 14; Gen 1:1
True and Righteous WitnessEd HaEmet v'haTzedek (ed ha-E-met ve-hatz-T ZE-dek)Rev 3:14
Watcher of our SoulsHamashgiach Nafshoteikhem (ham-mash-GEE-akh naf-sho -TAY-khem)1 Peter 2:25; Song 2:9
Wisdom of GodChokhmat Elohim (khokh-mat e-lo-HEEM)1 Cor 1:24
Word of GodDevar HaElohim (de-var ha-e-lo-HEEM)Rev 19:13; Jn 1:1
Word of LifeDevar HaChayim (de-var ha-KHAI-yeem)1 Jn 1:1

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