Table of Contents
In previous posts, we have looked at the land now known as “Palestine“. We also looked into how and when the Jewish, Arabian, and other people from many lands came to be in the Land of Israel now renamed “Palestine”. Therefore, It is now time to take a look into the radical Islamic mindset. Understanding the Islamic mindset will help us understand the Middle East’s current turmoil.

We now understand that God made a covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to give them the land of Canaan, now called “Palestine”.
However, the Islamic world is not happy with all the land they have conquered.
(The land in green is controlled by the leaders of the radical Islamic mindset.)
Nope, they are not ok with Israel having this tiny piece of land. Why is that? By the end of this post, you will have the truth and the answer.
The land of Israel is circled in yellow.

A Spiritual Battle of Deception
Up front, I want to be very clear that what is happening in the Middle East and around the world is a spiritual battle that is being waged in the heavens, and the fallout, if you will, is being manifested before our eyes here on earth.
Moreover, the Bible states (paraphrasing) “that in the last days, deception will abound.”
“For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.” – Matthew 24:24
“But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons… – 1 Timothy 4:1
“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.” – 2 Timothy 4:3-4
Therefore, as I said at the beginning of this series, I support Israel and the world needs to know the truth.
Propaganda is king! Therefore, many so-called “influencers” have been deceived just like Saul of Tarsus before he had an encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus. People like Candace Owens, Tucker Carlson, and many others in their misguided deceived minds, are helping to spread antisemitism and pouring fuel on the fire.
God’s desire was for Israel to be a distinct people, a nation that pointed others toward the true God. Moreover, God chose the nation of Israel to be the people through whom His promised Redeemer, Messiah, and Savior, Jesus Christ would be born.
A note of warning: As I was reading the book Palestine: The Great Deception, researched and authored by Ramon Bennett, the information revealed, literally made me sick. However, as I read and reflected on the October 7th massacre of the Jews by Hamas, I finally began to understand the radical Islamic mindset. I pray you will too.
The Creator of the Heavens and earth desires all mankind to come to Jesus Christ for salvation, who is THE ONLY WAY to the Father. However, it is mankind’s choice to make. Anyone who tries to force you to follow their way is being used by satan. NOT ALL MUSLIMS are radical terrorists bent on forcing you to submit… but they as well as many others are being deceived and can only be set free by Jesus Christ!
Sovereign Father God, may the scales of deception be removed, and may their eyes be opened to the hope only found in You, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
The Radical Islamic Mindset of the Arab Mind
The following are excerpts from chapter 2 of Bennett’s book.
Here in the West, we have a saying that we call “saving face” or “loss of face.” In the Eastern world, the Arab terms used are whitens (saving face) or blackens (losing face).
“Face is the outward appearance of honor, the front of honor which a man will strive to preserve even if in actuality he has committed a dishonorable act.” [i]
In the Arab world honor and face are almost interchangeable. It is such an integral part of the Arab mind that a person is considered perfectly justified in resorting to deceit and falseness to save their own, someone else’s, or the entire Arab world’s face.
The Arab mind is in perpetual motion working against blackening the face (losing face), and thus sculpts its words accordingly. When it comes to whitening or saving somebody else’s face or the face of the Arab world, lying is even considered to be “a duty.” [ii]
Arab lying, like Arab hospitality, is an echo from the past, made clear by an early Islamic theologian:
- “We must lie when truth leads to unpleasant results” [iii]
- “It is sometimes a duty to lie.” [iv]
- “If a lie is the only way to reach a good result, it is allowable.” [v]
Lying, therefore has been a perfectly acceptable facet of Arab culture since time immemorial. The most incredible thing about the ability of the Arab mind to lie and its unlimited creativity is that it sincerely believes the lies it creates.
The Radical Islamic Mindset for Violence
The Arab’s propensity for barbarity is as old as the Arab people themselves. The Lord said of Ishmael, Abraham’s son by Hagar… “He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers.” –Genesis 16:12 NIV
We see the truth of those words in an often-quoted Arab proverb: “I against my brothers; I and my brothers against my cousins; I and my cousins against the world.” [vi] Moreover, an Arab writing of his people said,
“All our people are armed, all fight, and all kill for the least thing. We are very jealous of our rights… if in this village two houses should suddenly engage in a fight, the entire population would split into two parties and join in the fight. War could break out in the village. When it subsides, and only then, would the people ask what the cause of the fighting was about. They fight first, and then inquire as to the cause of the fight. This is our way of life.” [vii]
The Radical Islamic Mindset for Blood Revenge
Another feature of the Bedouin ethos is the law of blood revenge. Another Arab proverb is, “Blood demands blood.”
Relatives must avenge the blood of the slain by killing either the actual murderer or one of his relatives. Even when a murderer is apprehended, convicted in a court of law, and executed, it does not fulfill the requirements of blood revenge. One of the relatives of the executed man must die at the hands of one of the victims’ relatives. And the murdered relative’s blood must be avenged by his relatives. Thus, it continues as infinitum…
An Arab man once remarked that “both the Japanese and the Arabs are ready to kill to regain their lost honor; but the Japanese will kill himself, while the Arab will kill somebody else.” [viii]
The Origins of Assassins
Almost everyone is familiar with the words assassin, assassinate, and assassination. However, did you know these words originated in the Middle East? Assassins was the name given to the medieval “murderous groups of Syrian Muslims.” [ix]
The assassins belonged to a sect of Islam known as Ismaili, and in a calculated war of terror, they murdered sovereigns, princes, generals, governors, and even the divines of Islam. The murderers were designed to frighten, weaken, and ultimately overthrow the Sunni sect of Islam.
The assassins terrorized the Middle East from the 11th to the 13th century and derived their name from the Arabic word Hash Shashin, meaning “smokers of hashish.” They were the “forerunners of today’s terrorists.” [x]
Likewise, another name by which the ancient assassins were known was Fedayeen. This word is in common use in Arabic today and is generally applied to all Arab terrorists.
The Radical Islamic Mindset for Terrorism
Terrorist warfare has allowed Arab regimes to attack Western targets while denying any responsibility for these attacks. Sovereign Arab states have provided arms, embassies, intelligence services, and money to various terror organizations operating against the West and other objects of their animosity. International terrorism is the quintessential Middle Eastern export.
Moreover, the hijacking, bombing of aircraft, bombing of embassies, the murder of diplomats, and the taking of hostages by Arab terrorists have since been adopted by non-Arab terrorists the world over.[xi]
Arab spokesmen tell Westerners “If it were not for the Israelis all would be peace and harmony in the Middle East.” [xii] However, “A gentle peaceful man on the spur of the moment may commit a brutal murder.” [xiii]
Moreover, the Middle East was a bloody and insecure region long before Israel raised its head in 1948. Likewise, most of the coups, conflicts, and killings in the Arab States and Iran have not been connected to Israel at all. Consider between 1948 and 1973 the Arab world suffered 30 successful revolutions and at least 50 unsuccessful ones.” [xiv] During that same timeframe “22 heads of state and prime ministers were murdered.” [xv]
The Radical Islamic Mindset for Savagery
Next to Mohammed an Arab philosopher of the 14th century, Ibn Khaldun, has had the most influence on the Arab world and he wrote:
“Bedouin are a savage nation, fully accustomed to savagery and the things that cause it. Savagery has become their character and their nature. They enjoy it… they care only for the property they might take away from people through looting… civilization always collapsed in places the Bedouin took over and conquered.” [xvi]
It has been centuries since Khaldun wrote the above words. However, the Bedouin qualities, including savagery survive throughout the modern Arab world.
“Western soldiers who fought the Arabs were always trained to keep their last bullet for themselves, as an insurance against the torture they inevitably faced.” [xvii]
Arabists believe that each Arab group has its own methods of barbarism. However, Bennet’s research has showed a uniform bestiality common to all parts of the Arab world.
Bennet gives many examples in his book, however, we in 2024 only need to look and see what Hamas did on October 7th, 2023. Nothing has changed since the writing of his book in 1995.
- A Libyan cabinet member stated, “Violence is the Muslim’s most positive form of prayer” [xviii]
- “Violence has become a commodity. It was always exportable within the Arab world, but in modern times it reaches further afield and has the more open sanction of governments and political leaders.” [xix]
- There are arguably no other people quite so determinedly violent and pitiless as the people of the Arab world, where violence is “a chronic mental condition.” [xx]
The Radical Islamic Mindset for Cruelty
Almost all Arab cruelty is generated by one or more of the following areas:
- Honor (face) … we have discussed earlier in the post.
- Hatred…
- …of anything non-Arab or Islamic is axiomatic in the Arab world.
- Moreover, to the Arab mind, either Israel, the West, or both are responsible for the stagnant conditions prevailing within the Arab world. Most Westerners have simply no inkling of how deep and fierce is that hate. [xxi]
- A former Syrian Minister of Education wrote “The hatred which we indoctrinate into the minds of our children from their birth is sacred.”[xxii]
- Sex
- Women
- Unlike the Western world sexual restraints upon Arab women are strictly enforced.
- Throughout almost all of the Arab world death follows a girl’s loss of virginity except to her new husband. And adultery brings death for married women.
- The female must protect both her honor and her life.
- Men
- A married man is not expected to refrain from extramarital sexual activity.
- He is guilty of sexual offense “only if the woman with whom he has sexual relations commits an act of sexual dishonor” [xxiii]
- Women
“The rules that restrict contact between men and women, have the effect of making sex a prime mental preoccupation in the Arab world.” [xxiv]
Moreover, an Arab wrote of his people:
“Sex is our eternal headache, the incubus that devours us day and night. If you ask me about the size of the sexual problem, I will tell you that it is exactly the same size as our cranium, so that there is not a single convolution in the Arab brain that is not tumescent with sex.” [xxv]
A favorite topic of discussion among Arabs is the immorality of Western women.
“Because of the frustrations and repressions which follow the rigidly held sexual mores and prohibitions of his society, the Arab is dangerous to women of other nationalities… when Arabs go abroad their projected sexual adventures loom more important than any work or study.” [xxvi]
Sex is an all-consuming passion. It occupies an Arab’s thoughts night and day and often expresses itself in violence and brutality brought about by sheer sexual frustration. The continuous upheavals and violence in the Arab world is a way of “taking the mind off the consuming preoccupation with sex.” [xxvii]
This “preoccupation” is expressed by going to near-certain death in a coup against the establishment, in a factional fight, or an act of terrorism. Death in such an event would bring its own reward. The martyr would find himself among many beautiful and more importantly, willing girls in paradise” [xxviii]
The Radical Islamic Mindset and the Qur’an
The following are excerpts from Chapter 3.
The words “Arab” and “Islam” are as synonymous as “snow” and “Ice”. The “religion” of Islam is demonic and cruel. The adherents of Islam are exhorted to kill for the sake of their god Allah. Moreover, where the Islamic holy law Sharia is in effect, there can be no resisting Islam nor turning to another faith. To do so invites severe punishment, by sword, hanging, stoning, or crucifixion.
For those who are not enamored with Islam, the Qur’an, the Muslim [demonic] holy book commands their punishment to be: execution, crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from the opposite sides” [i]
Even acts of compassion can be classified as an affront to Allah and are dealt with accordingly. During the fast of Ramadan when no food or water is allowed between sunrise and sunset for an entire month, extreme hardship is undergone by those laboring in the searing desert heat. For example, In 1986, during Ramadan in Saudi Arabia, a man fell unconscious, and another worker poured some water into his mouth to revive him. The compassionate man forfeited his life. The distressed man had his right hand amputated.
Keep in mind that this is the religion that Iran and their proxies plan to bring by force upon the entire inhabited world.
The Qur’an and Women
The Qur’an teaches that women are inferior to men and even admonishes husbands to scourge their wives. [ii]
For women in the Western world, discrimination against females is hard to imagine. However, in December 1994 a young Bangladesh woman was raped in a field while gathering vegetables. Instead of her violator being brought to justice, the 20-year-old woman was sentenced to “80 lashes with a…bamboo cane for having unlawful sex.” [iii]
200 onlookers watched as the young woman passed out after 35 lashes. This sentence was given because she failed to “produce 3 male witnesses to support her allegation that she was raped.” [iv]
The Radical Islamic Mindset and the Law
The “cutting off of hands, feet, ears, tongues, heads, and gouging out of eyes are part of Islamic law today.” [v] Islam is ruled by fear and terror. Moreover, Bennet states in his 1995 book on page 41 that “Iran has executed 95,000 political prisoners, dissidents, and apostates since the 1979 revolution. [vi]
Since 1995 it has only gotten worse as Satan knows his reign of terror is soon to be put to an end when Jesus Christ returns and reigns from Jerusalem.
- Record executions, large-scale arrests and detentions: New Iran Human Rights Report
- Iran executions surge again ‘to instill societal fear’ – BBC News
- Iran: Alarming Surge in Executions | Human Rights Watch
The Hajj
Every Muslim is expected to make at least one pilgrimage to Mecca during his lifetime. This pilgrimage is known as Hajj, and “it is an essential part in gaining salvation.” [vii] “Since a pilgrimage to Mecca automatically wins pardon for sins already committed and any that may be committed in the future, this in effect confers immunity on the Pilgrim.” [viii]
While Mohammed was trying to encourage the Jews to accept him as a prophet, Muslims prayed 5 times each day facing Jerusalem and kept the Jewish Sabbath and other Jewish laws.
When it became obvious that the Jews were not interested in becoming his disciples the prophet changed the direction of prayer by turning his back to Jerusalem and facing Mecca. He also dropped the Jewish laws and adopted the pagan Friday sabbath in place of the Jewish Sabbath. [ix]
However, Pre–Islamic Arabia had already established set times of prayer facing Mecca. Moreover, they insisted that everyone make at least one pilgrimage to Mecca to worship at the Ka’abah, where their idols were kept. [x] Concerning the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca, Muslim scholar, and statesman Ali Dashti writes:
“The historical evidence is crystal clear that Mohammed adopted the pagan religious rite of a pilgrimage to Mecca to worship at the Ka’abah in order to appease the Meccan merchants who made a tremendous amount of money out of these pilgrimages. Thus, for financial and cultural reasons Islam adopted the pagan pilgrimage to Mecca.” [xi]
Who is this Allah of Islam?
Most Christians and Jews think that Allah is merely the Arabic name for the Creator God, of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Holy One of Israel. This is a dangerous because it’s not true. Since Allah is not the God of the Jews and Christians who is he?
The roots of Islam are buried in Arabia, in Mecca, in a square stone building called the Ka’abah where 360 jinn (genies-idols, angels, and demons) which of whom one is called Allah dwell. [xii]
Statements of Truth Regarding this Allah
- “The word ‘Allah’ comes from the compound Arabic word al-ilah. Al is the definite article ‘the’, and ilah is an Arabic word for ‘god.’” [xiii]
- “Allah” is a purely Arabic term for an Arabian deity.” [xiv]
- “Allah” is a proper name, applicable only to their [Arabs] peculiar God.” [xv]
- “The origin of this [Allah] goes back to pre-Muslim times. Allah is not a common name meaning ‘God’ (or a ‘god’).” [xvi]
- “Allah is a pre-Islamic name… corresponding to the Babylonian Bel.” [xvii]
- “Allah was known to the pre–Islamic Arabs; he was one of the Meccan deities.” [xviii]
- “Allah-worship, as well as worship of Baal, we’re both astral religions in that they involve the worship of the sun, the moon, and the stars.” [xix]
- “In Arabia, the sun god was viewed as a female goddess and the moon as the male god… The name Allah was used as the personal name of the moon god.” [xx]
- “Allah, the moon god, was married to the sun goddess. Together they produced three goddesses who were called ‘the daughters of Allah.’” [xxi]
- The Allah of the Koran is not the God of the Bible.” [xxii]
Can you guess what the ancient symbol of Allah, the moon god was?… “His symbol was the crescent moon which now graces every mosque throughout the Muslim world.” [xxiii]
The Radical Islamic Mindset and Israel
Ramon states: “It is a grave mistake to think that religion has the same meaning for Muslims as it has for those in the Western world.” [pg. 47, Philistine: The Great Deception]
Westerners are generally lukewarm at best in their attitude to religion. Only for the few who have a Biblical Worldview mindset does Christianity regulate their lives.
However, this is not so for those of the radical Islamic mindset. Religion, for the traditional majority in every Arab country and Iran, remains the central normative of life. Islam permeates the Middle Eastern Muslim’s life. It is the hub from which all else radiates. Every activity, thought, feeling, or custom is regulated by the laws of Islam, which are unquestioningly believed by minds that give unpledged allegiance. In this, the Muslims are in “sharp contrast with those who profess other religions .”[i]
The Jewish Refusal to Submit
It was the Jewish refusal to accept Mohammed as their prophet that instigated the raw Islamic hatred against them. Therefore, from the time of the change in the direction of prayer towards Ka’abah, Mohammed began to use his sword against the “Jewish infidels.”
Allah subsequently commanded Mohammed to destroy all the other idols in the Ka’abah, and thus Allah, the moon god became Allah, and Islam – “absolute submission,” was born. [xxiv]
“Because Islam is governed by demonic spirits it is more oppressive than communism.” [xxv]A Jewish State in Allah’s Land?
This is Allah’s Land…
The Middle East is where Islam was born. It is to the Arab mind, Allah’s land. Therefore, in 1948 when the Jews (whom Mohammed the prophet of Allah belittles in the Qur’an and urges his followers to kill) dispossessed Allah from a portion of his land, not only did these vile Jews dispossess Allah and establish a sovereign Jewish state on his land but they established it in the very heart of the Islamic homeland!
The Qur’an is implicitly believed by Muslims to be the final and true revelation of God. It vilifies Jews as an insidious people worthy only of contempt, punishment, and death.
The Hadith (Muslim tradition) continues the hatred:
“The one sent by Allah [Mohammed] has already said the great hour will not come until the Muslims make war upon the Jews and kill so many of them that when a Jew would hide behind a tree or a stone these objects will speak and say O Muslim, servant of God, there is a Jew behind me. Come and kill him. [ii]
Other Muslim writings are also carried along with the momentum:
“Allah’s messenger, may peace be upon him, has commanded: fight against the Jews and kill them. Pursue them until even a stone would say: come here Muslim there is a Jew hiding himself under me. Kill him. Kill him quickly.” [iii]

The Ultimate Challenge
The Jewish victory in 1948 created the ultimate challenge to the Islamic world. It struck at the very heart of Islamic theology and belief and undermined it. The size of the state of Israel is immaterial; the Arabs hold 5.4 million sq. mi.[i] of territory and Israel’s only 7,847 square miles without the so-called “occupied territories.” [ii]
Therefore, Israel is an insult to Islam. 1948 became “the day of the greatest shame in the modern history of the Arabs.” [iii] The “face” of the Arab nation was “blackened” with shame, as was the face of its god.
The Goal of the Radical Islamic Mindset
Muslims believe that their Islamic nations form a single Islamic state and that this state is destined to become an “Islamic World Republic” encompassing every country of the world. The state is divided into two houses Dar al-Islam meaning (House of Islam) and Dar al-Harb meaning (House of War). Those nations under Islamic control belong to the “House of Islam”. All others are in the abode of the “House of War”.
Nations in the “House of War” are subject to jihad or holy war, until they submit to Islam and become part of the “House of Islam”. There can be “no peace and no treaty”. [i]
This reminds me of the “great spiritual” 1986 movie Highlander. In the end, there can be only one…
A true statement. However, it will not be Islam, the “antichrist” nor Satan!
There will be only One…
Jesus Christ, the King of kings and the Lord of lords!
The Radical Islamic Mindset of Jihad
- Jihad means “move obstructions impeding the propagation of Islam in non-Muslim countries.” [i]
- Jihad is “an Islamic word which other nations use in the meaning of ‘war.’” [ii]
- “To struggle in the cause of Allah with pen, speech, or sword, that is jihad.” [iii]
The sword brings results faster than either the pen or speech therefore practically everywhere that Muslims are found in large numbers violence is found also. If an area is not under Islam, jihad is waged to bring it under Islam. If it’s already under Islam, the Muslim brotherhoods fight to bring a stricter code of Islam.
The Islamic religion is often referred to as “the sword of Islam” due to its mania to wage war and shed blood. The late Ayatollah Khomeini, who ousted the Shah of Iran and brought a resurgence of fundamental Islam to the Middle East even preached “that the purest joy in Islam is to kill and be killed for Allah.” [iv]
Such preaching merely echoes that of Mohammed the founder of Islam who taught his followers that “a day and night of fighting on the frontier is better than a month of fasting and prayer.” [v]
Therefore, his followers fought. They fought for Allah, and they died for paradise.
An eyewitness account at the time said: “It is almost as if they are driven by the very demons of hell itself… they relish the ardor of battle and welcome the horrors of death.”[vi]
To kill and be killed for Islam insurers the “warriors of jihad” entry into Allah’s paradise, which holds the promise of “the services of those eternally young beautiful and virginal black-eyed maidens.” [vii] Therefore, Muslim leaders in Gaza encourage young Arabs to detonate explosives worn on their bodies and become “suicide bombers” for Allah. In their hatred of Jews, Muslim clerics promise their young lusty recruits, pleasures in the Garden of Eden at the side of 70 virgins. [viii]
Consequently, the many deceived souls made in the image of the One and Only True God, now understand that they believed the lies of Satan and his demonic realm. Unfortunately, Their eternity is sealed. We must pray for those who are still capable of turning to Jesus Christ.
Yes, Those of The Radical Islamic Mindset Mean What They Say…
In case you or someone you know is deceived by their lies and propaganda, perhaps the following statements made by Arab leaders will prove that they mean what they say.
- “Our war against the Jews is an old struggle that began with Mohammed… it is our duty to fight the Jews for the sake of Allah and religion, and it is our duty to end the war that Mohammed began.” [iv]
- “Surely the judgment of Allah is reserved for them [Jews] until Palestine is transferred from Dar al-Harb [House of war] to Dar al-Islam’s [House of Islam].” [v]
- “Israel will exist and continue to exist until Islam eliminates it, just as it eliminated what preceded it” (referring to the defeat of The Crusaders). [vi]
- “We shall only accept war, jihad, the holy war. We have resolved to drench the lands of Palestine and Arabia with the blood of the infidels or to accept martyrdom for the glory of Allah.” [vii]
- “The Zionist conquest of Palestine is an affront to all Muslims. There can be no compromise until every Jew is dead and gone.” [viii]
- “Allah has bestowed upon us the rare privilege of finishing what Hitler only began let the jihad begin. Murder the Jews. Murder them all.” [ix]
- “The enemies of God have committed aggression on Muslim lands and desecrated our sanctuaries. It has become the duty of every Muslim to make the sacrifice to liberate Muslim territories.” [x]
- “Fighting the Jews in Israel is a religious obligation and a divine duty.” [xi]
- “Every problem in our region can be traced to this single dilemma: the occupation of Dar al-Islam [House of Islam] by Jewish infidels.” [xii]
- The conflict between Arabs and Israelis began in the 7th century when the Jews refused to follow Muhammad and his new religion which has been described today as “heathenism in monotheistic form.” [xiii]
The Radical Islamic Mindset of the House of Islam and the Rest of Us
The world today is divided between the House of Islam and the rest of us. an Iranian Ayatollah Fazl-Allah Mahalati writes: “But he who takes up a gun, a dagger, a kitchen knife, or even a pebble with which to harm and kill the enemies of the Faith has his place assured in Heaven…An Islamic state is a state of war until the whole world sees and accepts the light of the True Faith.” [ix]
In the book War And Peace In The Law Of Islam Professor Majid Khadduri, one of the foremost experts on Islamic law, writes that the Islamic state seeks to “establish Islam as the dominant reigning ideology over the entire world.” [x] Furthermore, the Islamic State refuses “to recognize the coexistence of non-Muslim communities, except perhaps as subordinate entities” [xi]
“Subordinate entities” means that minority groups might be allowed to remain in the Islamic state as dhimmi, a low class of unbelievers submitting to Muslim rule and paying the poll tax to the Islamic state. [xii] The Arab kings and Muslim Imams (holy rulers) believe it to be the divine destiny of Islam to hold “mastery over the earth.” [xiii] (Another satanic lie…Jesus has other plans…and no one can change them.)
Still in denial? Are you willing to give up your freedom, and your life to support Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and the many other terrorists in this satanic-inspired “religion” of sanctioned murder?
Only a deceived fool would dismiss their proclamations and actions. As of 2020, 1.8 billion, or more than 25% of the world population are Muslims. [xiv]
- “The governments of the world should know that Islam cannot be defeated. Islam will be victorious in all the countries of the world, and Islam and the teachings of the Qur’an will prevail over all the world.” [xv]
- “Weapons in our hands are used to realize divine and Islamic aspirations. The more people who die for our cause the stronger our jihad shall become.” [xvi]
- “We shall export our revolution to the whole world until the cry ‘Allahu Akbar’ resounds over the whole world, there will be a struggle. There will be jihad.” [xvii]
- Allahu Akbar was used by Mohammed as an expression of delight, [xviii] but later became the Muslim battle cry, which sanctifies the killings and converts what would otherwise be murder into a righteous deed.” [xix]
The continuous call for Israel’s annihilation comes not from the Arab world per se but from the radical mindset of Islam and for the honor of Allah.
Be Wise as Serpents…
We who live in the Western world better wise up. I pray that the deception and blindness occurring here at the end of the “end of the age” will be removed. Scripture reveals that great deception and apostasy will be rampant before Jesus returns the second time.
For those who are not blinded by the lies and deception, you can see more and more countries are being overrun by radical Islam. Furthermore, not only the Jews but the Christians are targeted for total annihilation unless they’re willing to submit to Islam. Perhaps God will use Islam to purge and purify his church in preparation for His soon return…
We must believe them when they say, “1st we will fight the Saturday people; then we will fight the Sunday People.” [xx]
We in the West have become spoiled and lazy in our walk with the Lord. I believe many have no idea what is coming to our land. Will we stand for Jesus Christ when our lives are at stake, or will we bow our knees to Islam, the antichrist, or the mark of the beast system? Our Christian brothers and sisters on the other side of the world know what it means to follow Jesus Christ and many die horribly because of their faith in Him.
In Closing
Islam is the antithesis of Biblical Christianity. This is why I believe that Islam is satan’s counterfeit religion in place of true Christianity. Moreover, he desires to be worshiped and replace Jesus Christ on the throne. Likewise, satan wants the world to believe he will be their Savior. Isaiah 14:12-15 states:
“How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations!
13 For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation On the farthest sides of the north;
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.’
15 Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, To the lowest depths of the Pit.
Satan using his tool of Islam is rampaging throughout the earth like a roaring lion seeking who he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). However, he is on a collision course with his Creator, Yahweh the King of kings and Lord of lords.
Moreover, we must realize that every person will give an account to Jesus Christ for how they have acted and treated the Israeli people. Yes, the Jewish people sin just like you and me. However, God put Israel together for His purposes. God alone is the only one who has a say when it comes to Israel.

Do you have a relationship with Jesus Christ?
Until next time, I am Passionately Loving Jesus, the Anchor of my Soul!
Recommended/Resources/End Notes
Previous Articles in this Series:
- It’s Time to Know the Truth Regarding the “Palestinians” and Israel.
- How the Land of Israel Became Known as “Palestine”.
- The True Inhabitants of the Land Called “Palestine”.
- Visualizing Canaan, The Land God Gave Israel.
- Who Are The “Arabs” Claiming the Land God Gave Israel?
- The Propaganda Claims of Arabs Living in Palestine.
Resources Used:
Endnotes from Chapter 2
(In the following endnotes “Note 2,3,4 etc.” refer back to the original endnote number in Bennett’s book.)
- [i] note 2 – Raphael Patai, The Arab Mind (New York: Macmillan, 1983), p.101.
- [ii] note 3 – Ibid., p. 105.
- [iii] note 4 – al-Ghazali, quoted in Laffin, The Arab Mind, p.79.
- [iv] note 5 – Ibid.
- [v] note 6 – Ibid.
- [vi] note 17 – Cited in Patai, The Arab Mind, p.42.
- [vii] note 18 – Ameen Faris Rihani, quoted in Ibid., p.219.
- [viii] note 19– Cited in Ibid., p.212.
- [ix] note 20 – Laffin, The Arab Mind, p.38.
- [x] note 21 – Ibid.
- [xi] note 25 – Netanyahu, A Place Among the Nations, p.102.
- [xii] note 28 – Quoted from “The Old Villian,” New Leader, Oct. 29, 1990.
- [xiii] note 26 Winifred Blackman cited in Patai, The Arab Mind, p.158.
- [xiv] note 30 – Laffin, The Arab Mind, pp. 97-98.
- [xv] note 31 – Ibid., p.98.
- [xvi] note 34 – Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406), The Muqaddimah-An Introduction to History, quoted in – Laffin, The Arab Mind, p. 97.
- [xvii] note 35 – Ibid., p.95
- [xviii] note 43 – Ibid., p.120.
- [xix] note 44 – Ibid., p.119.
- [xx] note 45 – Philip K. Hitti, History of the Arabs, quoted in Patai, The Arab Mind, p.81.
- [xxi] note 46 – Wilfred C. Smith, Islam in Modern History. Cited in Ibid., p.296
- [xxii] note 47 – Suleiman Al-Khash in Al-Thaura, the Ba’ath party newspaper, May 3, 1968.
- [xxiii] note 64 – Patai, The Arab Mind, p.124.
- [xxiv] note 70 – Ibid., p. 118.
- [xxv] note 71 – Nazar Qabbani, On Poetry, Sex, and Revolution, quoted in Laffin, The Arab Mind, p.2.
- [xxvi] note 72 – Ibid., p. 86, 90.
- [xxvii] note 75 – Laffin, The Arab Mind, p. 93.
- [xxviii] note 76 – Ibid.
Endnotes from Chapter 3
- [i] note 1 – Sura 5:33. Note: Verses in the Quran may differ in the English translation by as much as 10 verses; look within this range beginning with one verse up or down if given references do not correspond.
- [ii] note 4 – Sura 4:34. Some translations use the word “beat.” However, the Arabic is “scourge.”
- [iii] note 7 – Associated Press Report, “Women flogged by clerics in outlaw justice, New Zealand Herald, Dec. 27, 1994.
- [iv] note 8 – Ibid.
- [v] note 9 – Ali Dashti, 23 Years: A Study OF THE Prophetic Career of Mohammed (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1985), p. 56. Cited in Robert Morey, The Islamic Invasion: Confronting the World’s Fastest Growing Religion (Eugene: Harvest House, 1992), p 32.
- [vi] note 12 – International Institute for the Study of Islam and Christianity, Press Release, Jan. 1994.
- [vii] note 39 – Anis A. Shorrosh, Islam Revealed: A Christian Arab’s View of Islam (Nashville: Thomas Nelson. 1988). p.34.
- [viii] note 40 – Laffin, The Arab Mind, footnote p. 35.
- [ix] note 41 – Robert Morey, The Islamic Invasion: Confronting the World’s Fastest Growing Religion (Eugene: Harvest House, 1992), p. 82.
- [x] note 42 – Ibid., p. 42.
- [xi] note 43– Ibid., p. 27.
- [xii] note 45 – Morey, The Islamic Invasion, p. 52.
- [xiii] note 46 – Ibid., pp. 47-48.
- [xiv] note 47 – Ibid., p. 48.
- [xv] note 48 – Hastings Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, Ibid.
- [xvi] note 49 – Ibid., p. 49.
- [xvii] note 50 – Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, Ibid., p. 48.
- [xviii] note 51 – Encyclopedia of Islam, Ibid.
- [xix] note 52 – E. M. Wherry, A Comprehensive Commentary on the Quran (Otto Zeller Verlag, 1973), p 36, Ibid., p. 50.
- [xx] note 53 – Ibid.
- [xxi] note 54 – Ibid.
- [xxii] note 55 – Dr. Anis Shorrosh quoted in Jerusalem Post International Edition, May 1, 1993.
- [xxiii] note 56 – Chuck Missler, Personal Update, Vol. 4, No. 2, Feb. 1994, p.8.
- [xxiv] note 58 – N. J. Dawood, The Koran (London: Penguin 1993 ), p. 2.
- [xxv] note 59 – Dr. Anis Shorrosh quoted in Jerusalem Post International Edition, May 1, 1993.
- [i] note 60 – Bernard Lewis, The Political Language of Islam (Chicago: University of Chicago, 1988 ), p.3.
- [ii] note 61 – Hadith. para. 7.
- [iii] note 62 – Recorded in the Sahih Moslem annals. Cited in George Grant, The Blood of the Moon (Brentwood: Wolgemuth & Hyatt, 1991), p. 49.
- [i] note 63 – Netanyahu, A Place Among the Nations, P. 41.
- [ii] note 64 – The World Almanac and Book of Facts (New York: Pharos, 1993 ), p. 766.
- [iii] note 65 – Al-Ahram editorial, May 15, 1964. Cited in Laffin, The Arab Mind, p. 82.
- [iv] note 67 – Anwar Sadat, April 25, 1972, quoted in David Berger, History and Hate: The Dimensions of Anti-Semitism (New York: Jewish publication society, 1986), p. 89.
- [v] note 68 – Yasser Arafat quoted in Grant, The Blood of the Moon, p. 47.
- [vi] note 69 – Imam Hassan al-Bana, former leader of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, quoted in David Dolan, Holy War for the Promised Land (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1991), p. 248.
- [vii] note 70 – King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud, quoted in Grant, The Blood of the Moon, p 59.
- [viii] note 72 – King Idris of Libya, Ibid.
- [ix] note 73 – Haj Amin El Husseini, Grand Muslim Mufti 1946, Ibid., p. 53.
- [x] note 74 – Dr. Abdul Halim Mahmoud, Grand Sheik of Al- Azhar, Oct. 8, 1973.
- [xi] note 75 – Document signed by Ibrahim Ghousha, a senior Hamas leader, Jan. 2, 1993.
- [xii] note 76 – Hashemi Rafsanjani, President of Iran, 1991, quoted in Grant, The Blood of the Moon, p 56.
- [xiii] note 77 – Professor Augustus H. Strong, quoted in Morey, The Islamic Invasion, p. 43.
- [i] note 82 – Lewis, The Political Language of Islam, p. 78.
- [i] note 83 – Sheik Mohammed Abu Zahra, quoted in Green, Arab Theologians in Jews and Israel, p.55.
- [ii] note 84 – Sheikh Abdullah Ghoshah, Ibid., p. 61
- [iii] note 85 – Islam at a Glance, a brochure distributed in Birmingham, England, in July 1985.
- [iv] note 86 – Shorrosh, Islam Revealed, p.35.
- [v] note 87 – “Basic Tenets of Islam,” Bridges For Peace, Tenants 2nd Qtr. 1990, p. 1.
- [vi] note 88 – Lameh Chrysostine, quoted in Grant, The Blood of the Moon, p.64.
- [vii] note 89 – Patai, The Arab Mind. p. 146.
- [viii] note 91 – “Living bomb” Eton Yerushaliyim, April 20, 1995.
- [ix] note 94 – Quoted in Amit Taheri, Holy Terror: The Inside Story of Islamic Terrorism (London: spear books, 1987). Cited in Middle East Intelligence Digest, August 1994, p. 6.
- [x] note 95 – Quoted in “Behind the PLO boss’s words,” Jerusalem Post, May 27, 1994.
- [xi] note 96 – Ibid.
- [xii] note 97 – Lewis, The Political :anguage of Islam, page 77
- [xiii] note 98 – King Abdullah of Jordan, September 1947.
- [xiv] “Pew-Templeton Global Religious Futures Project – Research and data from Pew Research Center”. Archived from the original on 5 February 2023. Retrieved 27 November 2023.
- [xv] note 99 – Ayatollah Khomeini, quoted in Grant, The Blood of the Moon, page 72
- [xvi] note 100 – Ibid.
- [xvii] note 101 – Ibid.
- [xviii] note 102 – Shorrosh, Islam revealed, page 56.
- [xix] note 103 – “Holy Axe,” In Jerusalem, March 18, 1994.
- [xx] note 104 – Quoted from “On the Threshold of Critical Mass Part 1,” Middle East Intelligence Digest, Volume 3, No. 7, May 1993. p.6