Table of Contents
There is much deception in the Church. Over the next few posts, I will be focusing on various survey reports that George Barna, the Director of Research for the Cultural Research Center (CRC) at Arizona Christian University released in 2020 and 2021. In this first post, I will share his findings that clearly show the deceptive worldview in the church.
Dr. George Barna is a veteran sociologist who has been studying national religious patterns for more than four decades. He is a pioneer in the field of worldview research. Barna called it the “most sophisticated nationwide survey of worldview conducted in the United States.”
I will not add much commentary to these findings. The numbers speak for themselves. I have done my best to put together an overview of 8 surveys to see the “big picture”. The links to the complete surveys are listed in the resource section below. I will tell you that as I was compiling the information many different emotions were experienced.
This compilation explains so much of why our nation is in turmoil.
People Do What They Believe
Barna explains, “In the American Worldview Inventory, we measure not just beliefs, but also the application of those beliefs. If you truly believe something, you integrate it into how you live, and your lifestyle reflects those beliefs. Moreover, it’s because people do what they believe. As a result, our research always balances examining both what we believe to be true with how we translate such beliefs into action.”
‘These people draw near to Me with their mouth and honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me. – Matthew 15:8
The Importance of Our Worldview
A person’s worldview is important because it shapes how they make sense of and participate in the world around them. Moreover, our worldviews affect every area of influence in American culture.
Dr. Barna states: “It is like the operating system of a computer; your worldview is the accumulation of your most important beliefs and it informs every part of a person’s life.”
The Biblical Worldview
The biblical worldview is based on truth claims and principles from the Bible informing a person’s beliefs and actions. America was founded on biblical worldview principles and that worldview prevailed in the U.S. into the twentieth century.
Since the 1990s, however, the predominant worldview in America has been postmodernism, a secular worldview that opposes biblical truths.
Moreover, 7 out of 10 Americans consider themselves to be Christian. However, just 6% possess a biblical worldview.
Biblical Worldview Breakdown by Church
A breakdown by churches found the percentage of those that held to a Biblical worldview was only:
- 21% in Evangelical Protestant churches
- 16% in Charismatic or Pentecostal churches
- 8% in Mainline Protestant churches
- 1% in Catholic churches
Biblical Worldview by Age
The study also showed that the younger a person was, the less likely they are to possess a biblical worldview.
- 9% of Americans 50+ have a biblical worldview
- 5% of those in their 30s and 40s have a biblical worldview
- 2% of those 18 to 29 possess a biblical worldview
Worldview Regarding Political Beliefs
According to the latest AWVI findings AWVI 2020: Worldview and Political Beliefs (Report #9: 08-19-2020) worldview differences are also driving deep divisions in American politics. Consider the below table.
Worldview, Political Party, and Ideology | Biblical Worldview | Non-Biblical Worldview |
Political Ideology | ||
Conservative on fiscal issues | 80% | 42% |
Conservative on social issues | 91 | 34 |
Conservative on governance issues | 83 | 38 |
Liberal on fiscal issues | 5 | 26 |
Liberal on social issues | 5 | 24 |
Liberal on governance issues | 5 | 25 |
Consistently conservative * | 78 | 24 |
Consistently liberal** | 2 | 25 |
Party Self-identification | ||
Democrat | 8 | 36 |
Republican | 65 | 25 |
Independent | 15 | 18 |
*Indicates self-identified as conservative related to fiscal, social, and governance issues. ** Indicates self-identified as liberal related to fiscal, social, and governance issues. | ||
The survey also found that adults with a biblical worldview are more likely to be registered to vote than are those without such a worldview.
Other Worldview Implications Regarding Public Policy
Other Worldview Implications Regarding Public Policy | Biblical Worldview | Non-Biblical Worldview |
Prefer capitalism over socialism | 83% | 50% |
Oppose abortion based on clear biblical teaching | 89 | 38 |
Marriage is defined as a bond between one man and one woman, is God’s plan for humanity, and is morally superior to all other relational options | 95 | 34 |
Human life is sacred | 93 | 36 |
Deeply committed to practicing their religious faith | 98 | 57 |
The primary purpose of life: “knowing, loving and serving God” | 93 | 24 |
Have a “personal responsibility, in appropriate situations, to share religious beliefs with people who believe differently than you” | 94 | 46 |
Life success is best determined by “consistent obedience to God” | 89 | 16 |
Prefer a decrease in the size, reach, and power of government | 83 | 38 |
The survey also revealed that worldview perspectives are significantly connected to the public policy or governance prescriptions that people embrace. For instance, those who hold a biblical worldview are:
- substantially less likely than other adults to believe that “people are basically good”
- more than twice as likely to say that they acknowledge their sins and ask for God’s forgiveness daily
- prefer “law and order” policies such as police neutrally enforcing the rule of law to all equally
- view God and the Bible as inerrant sources of truth and moral guidance
However, those who believe in the innate goodness of humanity and who see no compelling reason to confess their sins or seek God’s forgiveness are more likely to:
- embrace defunding police and military
- five times more likely to argue that there are “no moral absolutes that apply to everyone, all the time.”
Consequently, the perspectives of those two segments varied dramatically regarding moral issues such as the moral acceptability of pre-marital sex, recreational drugs, getting drunk, gambling, divorce, and exposure to pornography.
Millennials Interest in Government and Politics
- Millennials demonstrate little awareness and interest in government and politics.
- They are far less informed about current political conditions and events than are people from older generations.
- That lack of knowledge and awareness has been demonstrated in the comparatively undistinguished voting participation of the generation.
- They are, by far, the generation most enamored with socialism.
- Millennials are substantially less likely than all other generations to believe that great leaders empower people to fulfill their purpose.
- In their eyes, leadership greatness is reflected in attributes such as popularity and performance efficiency.
- They are also the generation least likely to “do whatever is necessary for the good of the United States.”
- While a majority of Millennials say they would take such action, they were far less likely to make such a pledge than are people from each of the other generations.
Digging Deeper into the American “Christian” Worldview
American Christianity is undergoing a “post-Christian Reformation”, with the nation’s major Christian groups rapidly replacing traditional theological beliefs with the culture’s secular values.
Another CRC study finds that the nation’s four main Christian groups are creating new worldviews that are only loosely tied to the biblical teachings that have traditionally defined them.
Over the past three centuries, more than 200 denominations have launched Christian churches in America based on differences in doctrine, theology, and practice. All of them claim to be motivated by the pursuit of biblical integrity.
However, Americans who think of themselves as Christian have followed in those footsteps, have been essentially customizing Christianity to their liking and ignoring the historical distinctiveness of the churches to which they belong.
“The irony of the reshaping of the spiritual landscape in America is that it represents a post-Christian Reformation driven by people seeking to retain a Christian identity. Unfortunately, the theology of this reformation is being driven by American culture rather than biblical truth. The worldviews embraced by the adherents of these distinct religious communities reflect contemporary, worldly influence, rather than biblical influence.”
Dr. George Barna
Examples of Christians’ Beliefs That Differ from Biblical Teaching
The following table lists specific Biblical teachings and the percentages for those who REJECT THE BIBLICAL TEACHING by major faith families.
Biblical Teaching | Evangelical | Pentecostal | Mainline | Catholic |
People are not basically good; we are sinners | 75% | 76% | 81% | 84% |
Which faith you embrace matters as much or more than simply having some faith | 62 | 71 | 76 | 84 |
The Holy Spirit is not just a symbol of God’s power, presence, or purity, but is a real, influential being | 58 | 66 | 73 | 74 |
Success is consistent obedience to God | 53 | 48 | 77 | 84 |
There is absolute moral truth that applies to everyone, all the time | 52 | 69 | 58 | 69 |
People cannot earn a place in Heaven by being good or by doing enough good works | 58 | 49 | 61 | 85 |
History is the story of God’s plan for humanity moving toward fulfillment | 44 | 59 | 79 | 76 |
Bible is unambiguous in its teaching about abortion | 44 | 49 | 62 | 58 |
When Jesus Christ was on earth, He was fully human, but He did not sin | 43 | 44 | 59 | 66 |
The Bible is the primary source of moral guidance | 42 | 38 | 71 | 77 |
Human life is sacred | 40 | 54 | 55 | 57 |
Personally certain to have eternal salvation only because have confessed sins and accepted Jesus Christ as savior | 28 | 45 | 59 | 72 |
God is the basis of all truth | 28 | 30 | 63 | 57 |
Bible is the word of God, is trustworthy and reliable | 26 | 32 | 63 | 53 |
Evangelical Overview
The most startling realization regarding the theological reformation in progress is how many people from evangelical churches are adopting unbiblical beliefs.
What makes that trend so significant is that evangelical churches, by definition, teach that the Bible is the authoritative Word of God that teaches not only salvation by grace alone but also an array of life principles that are meant to drive one’s thoughts and actions.
The study found that one-third to one-half of evangelicals in the survey are embracing secularism and embrace a variety of beliefs and behaviors counter to biblical teaching and longstanding Evangelical beliefs.
- 61% do not read the Bible daily
- 58% believe the Holy Spirit is symbolic
Although, some of the ideas gaining traction in evangelical congregations may not reflect a majority perspective, the fact that one-third to one-half of those adults embrace these ideas can only be viewed as alarming for evangelicalism.
Those beliefs and behaviors include:
- 43% do not believe that there is a common, God-given purpose to humanity (i.e., to know, love and serve Him)
- 42% do not identify and confess their sins daily
- 40% accept lying as morally acceptable if it advances personal interests or protect one’s reputation
- 39% identify the people they always respect as being only those who have the same beliefs as they possess
- 36% prefer socialism to capitalism
- 36% fail to seek and pursue God’s will for their life each day
- 34% reject the idea of legitimate marriage as one man and one woman
- 34% argue that abortion is morally acceptable if it spares the mother from financial or emotional discomfort or hardship
- 32% do not thank or worship God each day
- 28% of those who attend evangelical churches are not born-again.
Pentecostal and Charismatic Overview
Pentecostals and charismatics take secularization a step further. In some cases, their departure from traditional biblical teachings is even more pronounced than that witnessed among evangelicals.
- 54% embrace a willingness to try anything once
- 69% say they prefer socialism to capitalism
- 45% did not qualify as born-again Christians
Mainline Protestant Overview
Mainline Protestants are the most secular of the four faith families.
60% of Mainline Protestants’ beliefs directly conflict with biblical teaching.
Moreover, only 41% of mainline Protestants claim to be born-again Christians.
Mainline Protestants Worldview
Mainline adults contend that history is not God’s unfolding narrative that provides insights or wisdom for humanity; in fact, human beings cannot even be certain that God exists. Such belief is personal, they argue, and embracing Christianity is less important than embracing some faith. Therefore, we find the worldview possessed by most mainline church attendees revolves around three concepts.
- Truth and morality are determined by the individual, not by God or the Bible.
- Life has no inherent value or purpose, but we can make the most of it by doing things that produce personal happiness or satisfaction.
- Adults attending mainline Protestant congregations believe that life is what you make it. Therefore, that means success is based on doing things that deliver whatever makes you feel happy or satisfied. In their view, humans are not imbued with a common, God-given purpose.
- Traditional religious practices are neither considered to be central or essential to their Christian faith.
- Few mainline adherents engage in traditional Christian practices. In fact, of six commonly practiced religious activities, there was not one for which half or more of the mainline congregants were participants. Of those surveyed:
- 13% read the Bible daily
- 38% seek God’s will daily
- 3% confess personal sins and seek God’s forgiveness daily
- 43% give God thanks, praise and worship daily
- 49% pray daily
- Few mainline adherents engage in traditional Christian practices. In fact, of six commonly practiced religious activities, there was not one for which half or more of the mainline congregants were participants. Of those surveyed:
Catholic Overview
Catholics, based on their church’s teaching, are less likely to be born-again (i.e., believe that they are sinners who need a savior, that Jesus Christ is that savior, and have therefore personally confessed their sins and asked Jesus Christ to save them from the penalty for their sins).
Moreover, they are also less likely to believe in the importance of interpersonal evangelism and to believe that salvation is accessible only through God’s grace extended through Jesus Christ.
However, Catholic churches teach a different doctrine regarding eternal salvation than do Protestant churches. Consequently, it is not unexpected to find that Catholics are less likely than Protestants to be born-again.
Catholics Are More Permissive
Catholics are increasingly secular and permissive: Catholics’ beliefs are surprisingly like those of mainline Protestants. However, they are considerably different from evangelical and charismatic Protestants. Therefore, they are most likely to accept:
- sexual relations outside of marriage
- lying
- speeding
- refusal to repay a loan
Catholics are most likely to:
- believe in salvation through works or living a good life
- Only 28% claim to be born-again
What may be unexpected, though, is that the most common answer given by Catholics regarding their eternal consequences. Frequently chosen views by Catholics about what will happen to them after they die included:
- 19% believing they will go to a place of purification before entering Heaven
- 14% believing they will experience Heaven because God loves all people and will not let them perish
- 12% experiencing Heaven because they have worked hard to be a good enough person to earn it
- 7% The rest of the Catholic community either does not believe in any kind of spiritual life after death
- 7% believes they will be reincarnated
- 3% believes they will go to Hell
- 12% has no idea what will happen
The Question
According to Dr. Barna, 25 years ago 12% of the adult population held a biblical worldview. Today the level is 6%. Therefore, the question we need to ask is; “If 94% of American adults do not have a biblical worldview, what is the dominant worldview?”
What Is the Dominate Worldview in America?
According to the AWVI 2021: America’s Dominant Worldview (Report #1: 04-13-2021) survey the answer is: THERE ISN’T ONE!
Based on half-hour-long personal interviews with a nationally representative sample of 2,000 adults, the study found that the most common worldview might best be described as Syncretism.
Syncretism is the summary name for a disparate, irreconcilable collection of beliefs and behaviors that define people’s lives. It’s a cut-and-paste approach to making sense of and responding to life.
Rather than developing an internally consistent and philosophically coherent perspective on life, Americans embrace points of view or actions that feel comfortable or seem most convenient.
Those beliefs and behaviors are often inconsistent, or even contradictory, but few Americans seemed troubled by those failings. See the following table.
The Dominant Worldview Embraced by American Adults Table
Dominant Worldview | % Of Adults |
Biblical Worldview | 6% |
Secular Humanism | 2 |
Moralistic Therapeutic Deism | 1 |
Postmodernism | 1 |
Nihilism | 1 |
Eastern Mysticism | * |
Marxism | * |
Syncretism | 88 |
Source: American Worldview Inventory 2021, Cultural Research Center, Arizona Christian University, N=2,000, 2021. | Note: * indicates less than one-half of one percent. |
Furthermore, a substantial proportion of adults possess a moderately high number of beliefs or behaviors that meet various worldview specifications but are not quite enough to qualify as being a true adherent of that worldview.
Percentage of U.S. Adults Who Lean Either Strongly or Moderately Toward Specific Worldview Beliefs and Behaviors
Worldview Beliefs and Behaviors | % of Adults | % of Adults that are Adherents |
Moralistic Therapeutic Deism | 38% | 1% |
Biblical Worldview | 31 | 6 |
Secular Humanism | 16 | 2 |
Postmodernism | 16 | 1 |
Nihilism | 10 | * |
Eastern Mysticism | 10 | * |
Marxism | 10 | * |
Source: American Worldview Inventory 2021. | Cultural Research Center, Arizona Christian University, N=2,000, 2021. | Note: * indicates less than one-half of one percent. |
Which people groups are most likely to lean toward specific worldviews, even if they do not fully embrace those beliefs and behaviors?
- Biblical Worldview:
- SAGE Cons (Spiritually Active Governance Engaged Conservative Christians)
- theological evangelicals
- born-again Christians
- political conservatives
- registered Republicans
- Moralistic Therapeutic Deism:
- Spiritual skeptics
- LGBTQ adults
- those not registered to vote
- political liberals
- individuals who attend a predominantly black church
- Catholics
- Secular Humanism:
- Spiritual skeptics
- residents of the Western region of the United States
- people 75 or older
- political liberals
- Postmodernism:
- Spiritual skeptics
- residents of the northeastern and western states
- people with a bachelor’s degree
- political liberals
A New and Obscure Philosophy of Life
Everyone has a worldview; however, nobody has a pure worldview. As we saw above the most common worldview among Americans is Syncretism.
And the latest insight reveals that the worldview Americans are most likely to draw from is unknown to the people who turn to it. It is a relatively new and obscure philosophy of life known as Moralistic Therapeutic Deism (MTD).
Adults in the United States are more likely to lean on the beliefs and behaviors drawn from MTD than those adopted from any of the other worldviews examined.
38% of adults draw either heavily or moderately from the smorgasbord of beliefs represented by MTD, even though just 2% have MTD as their life-determining, dominant worldview.
A National Research Among Teenagers
MTD is a worldview initially identified and named by sociologists Christian Smith and Melinda Lundquist Denton. They introduced their findings and conclusions in their book, Soul Searching: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of American Teenagers, published in 2005 and which was based on national research among the teenagers at the turn of the millennium. At that time Smith and Denton identified several core beliefs that characterized the thinking and behavior of the group.
The components included:
- belief in a God who remains distant from people’s lives
- people are supposed to be good to each other (i.e., moral)
- the universal purpose of life of being happy and feeling good about oneself
- there are no absolute moral truths
- God allows “good people” into Heaven
- God places very limited demands on people.
Although (74%) who lean substantially on MTD for life guidance consider themselves to be Christians, numerous beliefs held by MTD-reliant adults conflict with biblical teaching.
Moralistic Therapeutic Deism Adherents Table
Percentage of Moralistic Therapeutic Deism Adherents Who Possess Beliefs and Behaviors in a Category That Parallel Those of a Biblical Worldview
% Of Adults Whose Beliefs and Behaviors in the Category Qualify as a Biblical Worldview
Substantive Category of a Worldview | All Adults | MTD Adherents |
Faith Practices | 29% | 13% |
Lifestyle, Behaviors, Relationships | 23 | * |
Family, Life, Values | 20 | 4 |
Purpose and calling | 20 | 2 |
Sin, Salvation, God Relationship | 15 | 2 |
God, Creation, History | 15 | 8 |
Human Nature and Character | 12 | 6 |
Bible, Truth, Morals | 10 | * |
Source: American Worldview Inventory 2021 | Conducted by the CRC at Arizona Christian University, N=2,000 adults, February 2021. | Note: “MTD Adherents” refers to people who have substantial reliance on MTD as a worldview. Note: * indicates less than one-half of one percent. |
In addition to the above table, we also see among those whose lives are most heavily influenced by MTD:
- 95% do not consider success in life to be described as consistent obedience to God
- 92% do not believe that the wealth they have has been given to them by God to manage for His purposes
- 91% do not believe that people are born into sin and need to be saved by Jesus Christ
- 88% say they get their primary moral guidance from various sources other than the Bible
- 87% do not believe that the ultimate purpose of human life is to know, love, and serve God with all of their heart, mind, strength, and soul
- 76% contend that good people earn a place in Heaven through their good behavior
- 75% do not believe that God is the basis of all truth
- 74% believe in Karma
- 73% say that having some type of religious faith is more important than which faith is embraced
- 71% do not believe that the Bible is the true and reliable communication from God
Other Errant Beliefs
Other errant beliefs possessed by most adults who are substantially influenced by MTD include the fact that they:
- do not hold an orthodox, biblical understand of God
- do not believe in the creation story
- reject the existence of absolute moral truth
- deny the existence of the Holy Spirit
- believe it is possible to reach complete spiritual maturity in their lifetime
behavioral choices of those who are most influenced by MTD typically conflict with core biblical teachings.
Morally Acceptable?
MTD considered the following to be either morally acceptable or not a moral issue.
- 83% having premarital sex with someone you expect to marry
- 67% breaking the speed limit
- 59% having an abortion because raising the child would be stressful
- 58% lying to protect one’s personal reputation
- 51% claiming undeserved tax deductions that they are certain would not be detected
Although three-quarters of those substantially influenced by MTD claim to be Christian, only (16%) qualify as born-again based on their theology (i.e., say they will go to Heaven only because they have confessed their sins and accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior).
Who Is Drawn to Moralistic Therapeutic Deism?
- 52% of Hispanics showed the greatest alignment with MTD
- almost half are Catholics
- traditionally black, Protestant congregations
- people 50 and under
- 6 out of 10 LGBTQ adults are consistently engaged with MTD
- individuals associated with Islam and Judaism were more likely than average to adopt many MTD tenets
Other Survey Results Found…
Practitioners of MTD are not:
- anti-religion or anti-Christianity
- willing to surrender themselves to authentic Christianity’s demands
- likely to believe that a real faith would even make such demands of them
- likely to prioritize knowing, loving, and serving a transcendent God
MTD is a generally optimistic, comforting form of religious faith.
- the emphasis is on self rather than God
- likewise, on emotion rather than truth
- adherents believe in innate human goodness and kindness
- life is about individual happiness
- it’s more about believing in and promoting the best interests of self
- based on currently popular cultural thinking
They view God as a powerful but dispassionate observer who remains detached from human experience unless circumstances make Him the solution of last resort.
Fake Christianity
Dr. George Barna, who directed the American Worldview Inventory 2021 research for the Cultural Research Center, described Moralistic Therapeutic Deism as “fake Christianity.”
Barna stated: “Young adults have grown up with a culturally adulterated version of the Christian faith. They have adopted a softer, twisted version of genuine Christianity. In their view, the local church exists primarily to offer a supportive and upbeat community rather than worship, service, guidance toward holiness, or a genuine relationship with God. And MTD is abundantly pluralistic, encouraging people to do whatever works or feels good rather than that which fits with biblical principles.”
Consequently, this approach to spirituality asks little of its followers while providing the comfort, convenience, and community that those followers long for.
“The fact that a greater percentage of people who call themselves Christian draw from Moralistic Therapeutic Deism than draw from the Bible says a lot about the state of the Christian Church in America, in all of its manifestations. Simply and objectively stated, Christianity in this nation is rotting from the inside out.”
Dr. George Barna
The Millennial Generation Worldview
There are more than two dozen examples of Millennials being substantially more likely than any other generation to reject biblical principles in favor of more worldly spiritual perspectives and practices.
Millennials, people born between 1985 and 2002 are far more likely than any other generation to:
- Define success in life as happiness, personal freedom, or productivity without oppression
- Consider an abortion performed to reduce personal economic or emotional discomfort to be morally acceptable
- Consider premarital sex with someone expected to be their future spouse to be morally acceptable
- Deem reincarnation a real possibility
- Be liberal regarding fiscal and social policies
- Champion liberal theology
Millennials were also much less likely than Americans from older generations to hold numerous positions, such as:
- Accepting the idea of “original sin”
- Believing that every moral choice we make either honors or dishonors God
- Accepting the notion of God being the all-knowing, all-powerful and just creator of the universe who still rules that universe today
- Believing that after they die, they will spend eternity in God’s presence solely because they have confessed their sins and have accepted Jesus Christ as their savior
Table of Important Spiritual Differences Between Millennials and Other Adults
Important Spiritual Differences —Millennials and Other Adults | Millennials | Other Adults |
Pray during a typical week | 48% | 71% |
Worship or thank God during a typical week | 42 | 65 |
Seek to avoid sinning because it breaks God’s heart | 42 | 59 |
Possess a biblical view of the nature and character of God | 38 | 55 |
Seek and pursue God’s will each week | 41 | 58 |
Acknowledge and confess my sins each week | 40 | 57 |
Deeply committed to practicing my faith | 47 | 63 |
Accept the Bible as the inerrant word of God | 28 | 44 |
Human beings were created by God, in His image | 45 | 59 |
Have confessed my sins and embraced Jesus Christ as my savior | 23 | 37 |
God loves me unconditionally | 60 | 74 |
The primary purpose of life: know, love, and serve God | 18 | 31 |
God is the basis of all truth | 31 | 44 |
Believe that Satan is real and influential | 46 | 59 |
Wonder if God is really involved in my life | 43 | 32 |
Have a unique calling or purpose from God | 57 | 68 |
Source: American Worldview Inventory 2020 | N=2,000 adults, 18 or older | Conducted by CRC at Arizona Christian University |
The New Approach to Faith and Morality
The AWVI 2021 points out that a comparison of generational responses to traditional measures of faith underscores the new approach to faith and morality practiced by Millennials, in particular.
For example:
- (40%) 55 or older can be classified as born-again Christians
- (26%) Gen X adults fall in the segment
- (16%) of Millennials of meets the criterion
Looking at the “Don’ts”— people who do not know, believe, or care if God exists we find:
- (28%) of Boomers and Builders qualify as “Don’ts”
- (31%) of Gen X adults can be characterized as such closer to half
- (43%) of Millennials are Don’ts.
In fact, Gen X and Millennial adult generations are considerably more likely than older generations to:
- rely primarily on Moralistic Therapeutic Deism for worldview guidance
- accept the Golden Rule
- believe that wealth is provided by God for its possessors to manage for His purposes
- believe that the universe was created without any divine intervention in that process
- argue that traditional moral perspectives are irrelevant today
- making a series of formerly rejected behaviors now considered to be morally acceptable. Those included lying, not repaying loans, taking illegal tax deductions, speeding, and committing suicide or allowing for euthanasia.
Generational Transitions in Significant Beliefs and Behaviors
Belief or Behavior | Millennials born 1984-2002 | Generation X born 1965-1983 | Baby Boomers born 1946-1964 | Builders born 1927-1945 |
Willing to try anything at least once | 66% | 57% | 31% | 28% |
Believe in karma | 64 | 61 | 52 | 30 |
Humans developed over time from less advanced forms | 54 | 53 | 40 | 34 |
Reincarnation is a very real possibility | 51 | 39 | 29 | 20 |
Personally receive guidance from your horoscope | 35 | 32 | 10 | 3 |
Individual ownership of property facilitates economic injustice | 35 | 34 | 13 | 16 |
You try to get even with people who have wronged you | 38 | 33 | 12 | 10 |
Universal purpose for all people is to know, love, and serve God with all heart, mind, strength, and soul | 19 | 30 | 42 | 50 |
Universe was designed and created, and is sustained by God | 30 | 47 | 62 | 67 |
God is the all-knowing, all powerful, just creator of the universe, He still rules it today | 31 | 47 | 57 | 64 |
Human beings were created by God in His image but are Fallen creatures in need of redemption by Jesus Christ | 40 | 57 | 65 | 60 |
Satan is a real, influential being | 44 | 58 | 64 | 55 |
Deeply committed to practicing my faith | 45 | 57 | 64 | 72 |
You treat others as you want them to treat you | 48 | 53 | 81 | 90 |
Source: American Worldview Inventory 2021, conducted at CRC at Arizona Christian University | February 2021 | N=2,000 | adults 18+ |
These Choices Have Serious Consequences
The results of the generational worldview analysis produce a stunning portrait of the world through the eyes of each generation. Millennials have clearly gone farther than any recent generation in cutting ties with traditional Christian views and normative biblical teaching.
What Kind of World Are the Millennials Seeking?
Asked to describe the kind of world that Millennials are seeking, Barna outlined seven components to the Millennials’ outlook. Their desire and what we can expect:
- Government should continue to expand in reach, authority, power, and spending, in order to facilitate a more desirable way of living.
- Public policies and programs should be more flexible and fluid.
- Due to the attributable self-righteousness and sense of personal sovereignty maintained by emergent adults, combined with their dismissal of the legitimacy of institutional authority, causing them to be unwilling to compromise and to feel that not getting their way is a personal threat or challenge, expect more episodes of violence and combativeness across the nation.
- Political tensions will remain significant in the short-term due to the divergent views of core perspectives related to national vision, disdain for compromise, national moral recalibrations, and the revision of U.S. history.
- A redefined Christian community that will be smaller in numbers, less influential, and less economically robust. That will include changes such as fewer people and less money being designated to global Christian missions, and existing privileges received by churches, such as tax exemptions and land-use exceptions, being withdrawn.
- Interpersonal relationships will be more difficult to sustain due to declining levels of trust, diminished willingness to compromise, heightened reliance of technology for communication, and disappointments produced by the lack of moral consensus.
- Reshaped family units given fewer formal marriages, increased levels of divorce and separation, liberalized sexual morality, and the reduced appeal of raising children.
Realities of the Post-Christian Reformation
When Martin Luther instigated what has become known as the Protestant Reformation in the early 16th Century, he was motivated by a desire to restore biblical truth and purity to the Church and the spiritual experiences and development of the people. He was driven by a compulsion to raise the acceptance of biblical authority rather than tradition and institutional authority, and to focus people’s ideas about salvation on the redemptive work of Jesus Christ rather than placing faith on one’s personal efforts and goodness.
America would do well to return to such basics of the faith, according to Barna.
“It’s one thing for Americans to be confused on the finer points or even hotly debated elements of theology,” Barna said. “But for Americans to misunderstand or too flat out reject the Bible as a foundational source of truth and moral guidance, to reject salvation by grace alone, and to reject core doctrines of the Christian faith points to a major crisis in our society.“
“Gen X and the Millennials have solidified dramatic changes in the nation’s central beliefs and lifestyles,” Barna noted. “From a nationwide perspective, the Christian Church has done shockingly little to push back.”
“These profiles are profoundly disturbing,” Barna noted. “The significantly divergent worldview perspectives and applications of the four generations—especially how different the Millennials are from all of their predecessors—suggests a nation that is at war with itself to adopt new values, lifestyles, and a new identity.
In Closing
The above information is not encouraging. You really did not need a bunch of surveys to tell you how far down the pit we have gone. However, for me looking at these as a whole stirred my soul. I pray it did yours as well.
Satan is the Master Deceiver. It is his nature. While we over many years have been focused on everything but God, Satan has been hard at work. Convincing mankind that they do not need God, or that the Bible is just a storybook has been a great success in this country.
It saddens me to realize that when the rapture occurs many “Christians” will be left on earth because of Satan’s psyop. He has blinded so many.
Now I understand more clearly the scripture that states: “… Nevertheless when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8
And this is why my heart compels me to do what I can to encourage, warn, and whatever else the Lord leads to WAKE UP the FAKE CHRISTIANS who are BEING DECEIVED!
Because I love you I must tell you the truth based on the Word of God.
You WILL NOT spend eternity in the Kingdom of God unless you REPENT and FOLLOW JESUS CHRIST, HIS WAY, NOT YOUR WAY.
Jesus Christ is returning soon for HIS TRUE FOLLOWERS. Please do not be deceived!
Maranatha! Until next time, I am Passionately Loving Jesus, the Anchor of my Soul.
Maranatha! Until next time, I am Passionately Loving Jesus, the Anchor of my Soul.
- AWVI 2020: Worldview in America (Report #1: 03-24-2020)
- AWVI 2020: Worldview and Political Beliefs (Report #9: 08-19-2020)
- AWVI 2020: Millennials and Worldview (Report #10: 09-22-2020)
- AWVI 2020: Churches and Worldview (Report #11: 10-06-2020)
- AWVI 2020: Restoring America by Reframing Its Worldview (Report #12: 11-10-2020)
- AWVI 2021: America’s Dominant Worldview (Report #1: 04-13-2021)
- AWVI 2021: Introducing America’s Most Popular Worldview—Moralistic Therapeutic Deism (Report #2: 04-27-2021)
- AWVI 2021: The Seismic Generational Shift in Worldview: Millennials Seek a Nation Without God, Bible and Churches (Report #3: 05-12-2021)
Featured Image: by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay